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FrontPage 98 FAQ
If you encounter a problem that has not been discussed in this FAQ, please
feel free to contact IwayNet Technical support by telephone or Email.
- Where is my FrontPage website on my hard drive?
Typically, the components in the website that FrontPage creates can be
viewed locally on the hard drive in the directory
"C:\Webshare\Wwwroot\name_of_web\" (where
"name_of_web" is the name of the website you are working with).
- When I copy an image into the "images" directory, I am not able to
insert that image into my webpage.
If you have FrontPage Explorer/Editor open when you transfer the files
into the "images" directory, then you will have to restart
FrontPage to insert the image into a webpage.
- Can I FTP my FrontPage website up to my space instead of using the
FrontPage publish option?
If you are a new FrontPage user and your website has been placed on a
Microsoft NT server, you can not upload your site using FTP. If
you are an older customer whose website is on a UNIX server, you
can use FTP to upload your website however specific FrontPage
capabilities (i.e. forms, counters, etc.) will not work.
- What does it mean when the following error occurs when I try to access
my homepage?
The default web page the web server displays when you go to a
website or a website's directory is "Default.htm". If you have
renamed your default page to something else (ex: index.html), then you
need to change it back.
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