The New Testament Book of Luke

I tell you, Nay; but, except you repent, ye shall all likewise perish.

Luke 13:3,5 KJV



* 1 * Introduction & salutation. Gabriel appears to Zacharias in temple to announce John's birth. Zacharias is stricken dumb. Gabriel appears to Mary. Mary visits Elizabeth. John is born. Zacharias prophecies.

* 2 * Augustus taxes world. Joseph & Mary go to Bethlehem where Jesus is born. Angels appear to the shepherds. Shepherd's visit Jesus. Simeon in the temple. Anna thanked the Lord. Jesus in temple at age 12. Jesus increases in wisdom, stature, and favor with God & man.

* 3 * John begins to preach in 15th year of Tiberius Caesar. Herod shuts John in prison. Christ is baptized. Christ's genealogy.

* 4 * Christ is tempted, teaches in Nazareth & would have been killed. Christ heals man with spirit of unclean devil, Heals Peter's mother-in-law, heals many.

* 5 * A great multitude of fishes is caught. Leper & sick of palsy healed. Matthew is called. Matthew's feast. Fasting. Parables of new/old clothing/bottles.

* 6 * On sabbath day apostles pluck corn & Christ heals man with withered hand. 12 called. Multitude healed. Love enemies. Don't judge brothers. Build on Rock instead of Sand.

* 7 * Centurion's Servant healed. Widow of Nain's son raised. Christ testifies of John. This generation is like children in marketplace. Woman anoints Christ's feet with ointment from alabaster box.

* 8 * Those who ministered to Christ. Parable of the sower. Christ calms the sea. A demon is cast out of man who lived in tombs. Woman with issue of blood healed. Jarius's daughter raised.

* 9 * 12 sent. Herod wonders who Christ is. 5000 fed. Christ asks whom do men say that I am. Must deny self. Transfiguration. Child with unclean spirit healed. Disciples debate who will be greatest. Samaritans reject Christ. Some seek to follow Jesus conditionally.

* 10 * Christ sends the 70. Parable of Good Samaritan. Martha is troubled

* 11 * Christ teaches disciples to pray. Christ speaks of borrowing from a friend, giving gifts to your son. Christ is accused of doing works through power of Beelzebub. Unclean spirit gone out of a man. Signs given this generation. Take heed of your light. Pharisees and lawyers reproved.

* 12 * Beware of Hypocrisy. Don't fear. Beware of covetousness. Parable of rich man's barns. Be not anxious. Watch and be ready. Christ brings division. Discerning earth & sky. Go with adversary.

* 13 * Repent lest ye likewise perish! Parable of the fig tree. Woman bowed with infirmity healed on Sabbath. The kingdom of God is likened to a mustard seed -- or leaven. Disciples ask if only few be saved. Jesus laments over Jerusalem.

* 14 * Christ heals a man with dropsy on the Sabbath. Christ teaches humility Do good to those who cannot repay. Great supper prepared but those invited make excuses. Count the cost.

* 15 * Parables of lost sheep, lost piece of silver, prodigal son.

* 16 * Parable of unjust steward.Can't serve God & mammon.Rich man & Lazarus

* 17 * Forgiveness. Power of faith. We are unprofitable servants. 10 lepers healed. Kingdom of God is within you. The days will come in which they would desire to see one of the days of the son of man.

* 18 * Men aught always to pray. Parable of unjust judge, pharisee's and publicans prayer. Suffer little children to come unto Christ. A ruler asks what shall I do to inherit eternal life. Hard for rich to enter kingdom. You will not leave aught for kingdom that you shall not receive. Christ prophecies concerning his death. Blind man healed.

* 19 * Zacchaeus comes to Jesus. Parable of the money. Christ rides colt into Jerusalem.Christ cast out those that bought & sold in temple.

* 20 * Scribes ask by whose authority. Parable of wicked husbandmen. Scribes ask is it lawful to give tribute? & whose wife will she be? Jesus asks - How do they say Christ is David's son. Jesus warns - beware the scribes.

* 21 * The window's mite. When will the temple be destroyed & what are the signs. Watch!

* 22 * Judas arranges to betray Christ & so does. The last Passover. Christ prays while the disciples sleep. Peter denies Christ.

* 23 * Christ before Pilate. Pilate sends Christ to Herod. Pilate seeks to release Christ but voice of Jews prevail. Simon a Cyrenian is compelled to bear the cross. Jesus tells women to weep not for him but for themselves. 2 malefactors crucified with Christ. Joseph * * of Arimathea begs the body of Jesus.

* 24 * Women come and find the tomb empty. Christ appears to disciples on the road to Emmaus. Christ appears to 11 and eats before them. All must be fulfilled. Repentance & remission of sins to be preached. Christ carried up into heaven.

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