* 1 * Christ's Genealogy;Angel comes to Joseph;Christ's birth
* 2 * The Wise men come;Joseph flees to Egypt with child;Herod slays infants, Herod's death; Joseph goes to Nazareth
* 3 * John the Baptist begins to teach; Jesus is baptized;
* 4 * Devil tempts Christ; Christ dwells in Capernaum; Jesus calls Peter, Andrew, James and John
* 5 * Sermon on the Mountain -- Beattitudes
* 6 * Sermon on the Mountain -- Almsgiving, Prayer [Lord's prayer] - on Fasting, on treasure, on worry
* 7 * Sermon on the Mountain -- On Judging another, seek & ye shall find;the golden rule,beware of False prophets; not everyone will enter kingdom;wise man builds on rock
* 8 * Christ heals a leper, the centurion's servant, Peter's wife's mother and many others; Jesus calms sea; Christ heals two possessed with devils;
* 9 * Christ heals the sick of the Palsy;Matthew is called; John's disciples ask of fasting; The woman with an issue of blood healed; Christ raises the ruler's daughter; Two blind men are healed;
* 10 * The 12 apostles and their charge
* 11 * John sends to Christ; Christ teaches of John; Christ reproves Cities; His invitation;
* 12 * Questions on the sabbath;Jesus Heals Many;Christ accused of using Beelzebub's power; sign of prophet Jonas;
* 13 * Parables: The sower and the seed; Tares; Mustard seed; Leaven; Hidden Treasure; Pearl of Great Price; Net; a prophet is without honor in his own country;
* 14 * Death of John; 5000 men fed; Jesus walks on water;
* 15 * Tradition; Canaanite Woman's daughter healed; 4000 fed;
* 16 * Pharisees ask a sign; Beware of leaven of Pharisees; Christ promises to build Church;
* 17 * Transfiguration; Crucifixtion foretold, Christ pays tax
* 18 * Greatest in Kingdom of Heaven; When a brother will trespass against thee, Parable of Unforgiving servant;
* 19 * Pharisees question Christ on Divorce; Rich, young Ruler;
* 20 * Parable of the Laborers;James' & John's mother's request
* 21 * Jesus rides into Jerusalem; overturns moneychangers' tables;curses fig tree;refuses to say by what authority he is acting; parable of two sons,& wicked husbandmen;
* 22 * Parable of the Marriage Feast; Tribute; Sadducees ask about marriage and the resurrection; Great commandment
* 23 * Seek not approval of men; Scribes & Pharisees reproved;
* 24 * Christ is asked 3 Questions by his Disciples
* 25 * Parable of 10 Virgins;Parable of the talents; judgment
* 26 * Woman anoints Christ from alabaster Box; Judas sells Christ; Christ's agony in Gethsemane; servant of High Priest's ear cut off;Christ before Caiaphas; Peter denies Christ thrice;
* 27 * Judas hangs himself;Christ before Pilate; Crucifixtion & burial of Christ;
* 28 * Christ's resurrection; the commission he gave disciples
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