The Benevolent William Shatner

"It is good to be me."

William Shatner has enjoyed the attention of many spotlights since the beginning of his career and has truly engraved his place in living memory. As a young man on stage and the big screen, he was lauded as a profound, passionate, and gifted actor. With the close of the 1960's came global social and political upheaval and Shatner was able to give not only the American audience, but the world audience a bona fide superhero to idolize. Perhaps not his best, but the role for which he will be forever remembered, Captain James T. Kirk was the embodiment of Western ideology metaphorically battling the evil oppressive forces that were poised certainly to invade. However, as the 1970's came to a close, sensitivity, and subsequently, political correctness crept into the male psyche and Shatner's brand of turbo testosterone-laden bravado led him through a series of dissapointing B-films and made-for-tv movies. It is this era of his career which fuels his detractors with the many "Shatnerisms" for which he endures . The eighties marked his ressurection both on the big and small screens where the role of action hero was back in vogue, and once again in great demand. This also saw his transformation from actor to writer, director, producer, and most importantly, enduring celebrity.

Beyond Star Trek, he garnered much attention in his guest spots on "The Twilight Zone", his leading role in television's "T.J. Hooker", as the host of "Rescue 911" and movies like "Kingdom of the Spiders" and "Secrets of a Married Man". Today, William Shatner enjoys the fruits of being an enduring celebrity and is commonly found on the lecture circuit sharing his experiences in show business with his fans. It is here that he also discusses his ongoing projects and various interests, while poking fun at the aforementioned "Shatnerisms" for which he is known.

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