Okay who the HECK am I?

Well see, I'm just this guy, you know? Generation-X'er? Internationally minded nut, film lover, rock climber,racer,runner,geek,romantic,jack of all trades,etc. Here's my geek code so you get an idea:

-----BEGIN GEEK CODE BLOCK----- Version: 3.1
GCS d- s: a- C+++$ UBLVHIOS*++++$ P++$>++++ L++++>$+++++ E>+++
W+++$ N++(+++)>$ !o K+++ w---$ O M V-- PS PE Y+ PGP+>++ t 5++>+++
X+ R tv b DI+++ D++>+++ G e>++ h r>++ y++
---BEGIN CoSy CODE--------
NT--- HH++++ PP++
-----END CoSy CODE-------

Okay so now you want to know, what the HELL is that? well here are a few little places to visit:

Its the Geek Zone!
Cosy Code

Okay here I am standing on the campus of UT-Austin in 92' (I was working @ IBM)

Hey Its the Snoopy Theme! (rootbeer!)