Top ten signs you have a good/great Sysadmin: 10: Talks to self and doesn't finish sentences 9: Saves everything like a good pack rat (I can fix it with a PDP part!) 8: Has been known to forget about going home for sleep. 7: Knows vendor patches better then vendors tech support. 6: Thinks ties are things to cut off brain circulation,eventually leading to such bad things as promotions, and managment jobs. 5: Thinks Bill Gates and Micro$oft are the modern incarnation of Evil. 4: Forgot own phone# but knows machine hostids by heart. 3: Can tell when each root cron job is scheduled. In cron format. 2: Can teach vendor support things about their OS... 1: Thinks Caffiene is one of the four food groups (after salt ,sugar,and grease) Top 10 interviewing questions for a SysAdmin: 11: Do you object to human slavery or bullwhips in the workplace? 10: Emacs or vi? and why... 9: Give me a rough estimate of the maximum dollar value you have stolen from each of your previous employers. 8: You have a large network of Suns being used by secretaries for word processing in FrameMaker. Which GNU packages would you install for your own entertainment, and how would you justify them later? 7: You see a wounded puppy bleeding and whimpering on the side of the road while you're running to work to fix a downed computer that tens of users are waiting for. Do you let the puppy die?" "Why not? 6: How well do you program under the influence of hard drugs? 5: How much of your workday would you waste by reading news? 4: How many clients (30% diskless, 60% dataless, 10% /var/spool/mail only) can a Sun 600MP server serve simultaneously, and what relation does this have to angels and pinheads? 3: Recite the GNU Manifesto. 2: How do you work in a team situation when all the other team members are fools and idiots? 1: Why the hell would any sane person want to be a UNIX System Admistrator? Correct Answer: Who said I was sane? Interviewer: When can you start?