Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.
Acts 4:12 KJV
* 1 * The Salutation, The ascension of Christ, Mathias chosen to serve in Judas' place.
* 2 * The Holy Spirit comes on the day of Pentecost. The first gospel sermon is preached by Peter. The church is established.
* 3 * The lame man is healed.
* 4 * Peter and John before the council. The unity of the Church.
* 5 * Ananias and Sapphira lie to God. Apostles are before the council for preaching in Jesus' name. Gamaliel's advice.
* 6 * The seven chosen. Stephen framed.
* 7 * Stephen's sermon and death
* 8 * Philip in Samaria. The conversion of the Ethiopian Eunuch
* 9 * The conversion of Saul. Dorcas raised from the dead.
* 10 * The conversion of Cornelius & Peter's vision.
* 11 * Peter explains why he taught gentiles. Paul and Barnabas.
* 12 * Peter imprisoned. Death of Herod.
* 13 * Start of Paul's first missionary journey. Sermon at Antioch in Pisidia
* 14 * Conclusion of Paul's first missionary journey. Impotent man healed at Lystra. Paul & Barnabas worshiped as gods. Paul is stoned & left for dead. Elders ordained.
* 15 * Dispute concerning circumcision causes Paul & Barnabas to go to Jerusalem. Judas & Silas return to Antioch with them. Paul and Barnabas separate. Start of second missionary journey.
* 16 * Paul circumcised Timothy. Macedonian man appears to Paul in a vision. Lydia is converted. Damsel with spirit of divination healed. Paul and Silas cast into jail. The Philippian jailer is converted.
* 17 * Paul preaches in Thessalonica. Jews assault Jason's house. Paul is sent to Berea and then to Athens. Paul preaches on Mar's Hill.
* 18 * Paul sees Priscilla & Aquila at Corinth. Paul is taken before Gallio. Priscilla & Aquila go with Paul to Ephesus where Apollos is taught.
* 19 * Disciples baptized with John's baptism taught by Paul. Jews try to cast out demons in Jesus' name. Demetrius makes an uproar.
* 20 * Paul preaches when disciples come together to break bread and raises Eutychus from the dead. Paul calls the elders from Ephesus.
* 21 * They enter Phillips house. Agabus prophesies Paul's imprisonment. Paul meets with James in Jerusalem, is assaulted in the temple by the Asian Jews, and is rescued by the chief captain.
* 22 * Paul's defense before the Jews. Paul identifies himself as a Roman.
* 23 * Paul divides the Pharisees and the Sadducees. Jews vow to kill Paul, but Paul's sister's son reveals the plot. Paul sent to Felix.
* 24 * Tertullus speaks before Felix against Paul. Paul proclaims himself a Christian to Felix & teaches him of the way. Felix says he will send for Paul when it's more convenient. Festus comes to Felix's position.
* 25 * Jews condemn Paul before Festus. Paul appeals to Caesar [Augustus]. Festus brings Paul before Agrippa.
* 26 * Paul's defense to Agrippa almost persuades him to become a Christian.
* 27 * Paul is shipwrecked on the route to Italy.
* 28 * On the isle of Melita, Paul was bit by a poisonous viper and healed many. Paul comes to Rome where he met first with Roman Jews. He dwelt 2 years in a hired house receiving all that came unto him.
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